System Products

Indicators, Recorders, Gateways, Data Loggers, Signal Processing and more.

Making the most from your measured value

Nowadays the requirements for measurement technology go far beyond the mere recording of measurement values. Measuring devices need to be supplied with power and be protected against overvoltage. The measurement value has to be visualised or processed, limit values have to be monitored as well as the data has to be tamper-proof archived. These tasks are covered by the system products and data managers from Endress+Hauser. 


  • Easy installation and user-friendly setup and operation
  • Real-time plant information on-site
  • Increased plant availability due to proactive diagnostics and protection of the measurement devices
  • Flexibility in application based on various housing versions, all important communication protocols, and worldwide approvals
  • Complete portfolio around the measurement point from one supplier

Call us today to get free, no-obligation advice.

Data Managers & Data Loggers

A broad portfolio of data managers and data loggers for process monitoring in all industries. A range of powerful & flexible systems for organising process values with intuitive operation they can adapt quickly to every application. Information is clearly presented on the display and logged safely.

Measured and calculated values can be integrated into higher-level systems and individual plant modules can be interconnected.

Data LoggersPortfolio Description:

  • Data managers for paperless recording, visualization and monitoring of process values
  • Data managers for field installation, panel mounting or installation in Ex areas
  • Data managers with individual application packages e.g. for energy, batch or wastewater applications
  • Data logger for display and storing of measured values


  • The high degree of data security
  • Data managers with the integrated web server: remote access to device operation and visualization for lower maintenance costs
  • System capability: supports common fieldbuses (Modbus, Profibus DP, PROFINET, EtherNet/IP) for fast integration into diverse systems
  • Powerful software packages and device construction guarantee an optimum solution in all applications in all industries

For additional information please feel free to contact our team directly.

Energy Managers

Heating and cooling are energy-intensive processes. As the costs are constantly rising and, depending on the industry the energy costs amount up to 40% of the total industrial production costs, energy optimization is a very current topic. The basis for optimization is the recording of energy flows. This is where energy and application managers are used. They use flow, temperature and/or pressure to calculate the energy content of liquids and steam.

Portfolio Description:

  • Energy manager: Steam and heat computer for industrial energy calculation of steam and water
  • Flow and energy manager: Universal flow and energy computer for gases, liquids and steam
  • EnergyCal: BTU meter and steam calculator for energy calculation and management
  • Application manager: Memograph M with energy package calculates mass and energy flows in water and steam applications


  • For energy management applications in all industries
  • High degree of data security
  • Energy calculation of mass, heat quantity, net quantity, heat differential and heat quantity in applications with gas, liquid, steam and water
  • Simultaneous calculation of up to six applications per device
  • Logbook function for error messages and parameter changes with date and time

For additional information please feel free to contact our team directly.


Gateways & Modems

Quick and simple access to field devices and network data

Gateways and modems are system components that provide easy access to field device and network data. A modem provides a protocol conversion, e.g. HART/USB or FF/Bluetooth, and is used with a handheld configurator or computer. A gateway provides a parallel network access point for, e.g. device configuration software (FieldCare). In addition to the protocol conversion, gateways offer additional functions, e.g. network and device status monitoring, which can be viewed with a standard web browser.

Operating principle:

Modems and gateways provide protocol conversions, allowing the software on computers or handhelds to talk directly to field devices. A modem provides a point-to-point connection: on one side of the field device and on the other, depending on the modem, a USB computer port, or Bluetooth wireless interface. A gateway is a system component and connects the Ethernet port of a computer to any fieldbus device in the network. Device configuration software or a web browser on the computer controls device access.


  • Simple connection to devices in the field
  • Quick and easy commissioning of field devices
  • Network and device status monitoring (gateways)
  • Concise device diagnosis to NAMUR NE 107 standards (gateways)
  • Remote monitoring and maintenance via web-browser (gateways)

For additional information please feel free to contact our team directly.

Handheld Communicators

Field Xpert field communicators are rugged mobile computers that allow easy local access to field devices via Bluetooth or Wifi. Designed for use with HART and FOUNDATION Fieldbus devices, they can be used to set-up, trouble-shoot and analyse devices. Depending on the version, they can also read wireless RFID NFC device identification tags. Field Xperts also connect to Endress+Hauser’s

device data base, allowing device manuals, certificates and calibration data to be downloaded on site.

Operating principle:

Field Xpert connects to a field device in one of two ways. For a field connection, either a HART or FF/Bluetooth modem is used. For a network connection a Wifi interface is required and the device is accessed via a FOUNDATION Fieldbus or HART gateway. A USB interface allows device configuration data to be archived on a computer.

Field Xperts can be equipped with HART and/or FOUNDATION Fieldbus Device Xpert software. In addition to device configuration this allows device diagnosis according to the NAMUR NE 107

standard and comparison of configurations. Access to Endress+Hauser’s device data base allows the download of manuals and other device life-cycle data. Device driver (DD) libraries are kept up to date automatically.
Handheld communicators for commissioning and maintenance of field devices

  • Quick and easy commissioning in the field
  • Concise device diagnosis with cause and remedy information (NAMUR NE 107)
  • Archiving of device configurations for future comparison
  • Online device life-cycle data, e.g. manuals and certificates
  • Remote identification of devices using RFID NFC tags

For additional information please feel free to contact our team directly.


Process Indicators & Control Units

Analog measured values are indicated, evaluated and calculated by process indicators. Large displays offer easily readability at all ambient conditions. The universal inputs enable the connection of current, voltage, RTDs and TCs. Loop powered indicators require no power supply and can be universally used in current measuring circuits. They can be easily installed in intrinsically safe applications. Fieldbus indicators support all bus devices and indicate the values communicated on the bus.

Portfolio Description:

  • Process indicators for panel mounting as well as for field mounting
  • Loop powered process indicators for direct installation in Ex-areas
  • Process indicators with HART display for up to 4 values in one device
  • Process indicators with control function (limit value monitoring, mathematics, differential pressure and linearisation,…)
  • Fieldbus indicators for integration into fieldbus systems 


  • Excellent price/performance ratio
  • Fast, simple and comfortable commissioning and operation
  • Additional security through local measured value display
  • International approvals available: IECEx, Marine, SIL, WHG
  • Comfortable and easy integration into bus systems

For additional information please feel free to contact our team directly.

Power Supplies & Barriers

Power supplies and barriers for sensors & transmitters

Power supplies & barriers supplies e.g. a transmitter with power, if required also in the Ex-area, and then transmits the galvanically isolated signal. With the optionally available HART® monitoring the status of the transmitter is monitored. Thus even just briefly occurring errors can be easily located.

Portfolio description:

  • Power supplies for 2 or 4 wire transmitters
  • Active barrier with power supply for safe separation of 4…20 mA current circuits in one device
  • Power supplies & barriers with bidirectional HART® transmission, communication sockets for HART® and integrated HART® resistor for sensor configuration


  • Wide range power supply, flexible power source
  • Power supplies for 2 or 4 wire transmitters
  • Galvanic isolation of 4 to 20 mA current circuits
  • International Ex approvals, Marine approvals
  • Sensor monitoring with an early-warning system

For additional information please feel free to contact our team directly.


Process Transmitters & Limit Switches

Analog measured values are indicated, evaluated, and calculated by process transmitters. With the integrated loop power supply, two-wire sensors can be powered. The universal inputs enable the connection of current, voltage, RTDs, and TCs. Limit values can be monitored and relays can be switched. Via analogue outputs process signals can be forwarded. The integrated application package “differential pressure” (option) allows the quick and easy commissioning for differential pressure applications.

Portfolio Description:

  • Process transmitters & limit switches for DIN rail, for panel mounting as well as for field mounting
  • Process transmitters & limit switches with Ex approvals
  • Process indicators with control function (limit value monitoring, mathematics, differential pressure and linearisation,…)


  • Excellent price/performance ratio
  • Fast, simple and comfortable commissioning and operation
  • International approvals available: Ex, UL, SIL, WHG

For additional information please feel free to contact our team directly.

Surge Arrestors

Surge arrestors for over-voltage protection

Plant availability is very important as even short failures in production may cause high losses. Therefore, respective protection of devices e.g. surge protection as well as a high availability of plant parts needs to be ensured. Direct and indirect lightning as well as switching operations within a process can produce voltage overloads into supply lines and communication circuits, such as fieldbus systems.  Surge arresters are primarily used in process automation and in measuring and communication technology within the chemicals, pharmaceuticals, water and wastewater sectors as well as in the food industry.

Measuring Principle:

Surge arresters are used to protect electronic components in field devices from damage. It ensures that overvoltage surges which occur in signal cables (e.g. 4 to 20 mA), in communication lines of fieldbuses (HART, PA, FF) and in power lines are safely passed to ground. The functionality of the electronic component to be protected is not affected as, using the impedance-free connection of the protection unit, interference voltage drops cannot be introduced.


  • Surge arrester for DIN rail mounting
  • Surge arrester for field mounting
  • Surge arrester for signal cables
  • Surge arrester for communication lines of fieldbuses
  • Surge arrester for power lines


  • Optionally available with ATEX and SIL2 intrinsically safe approvals
  • Surge arrester for field or DIN rail mounting available
  • Surge arrester for power lines, signal cables and communication lines of fieldbuses available
  • Increased plant availability as surge arrester is perfectly matched to the electronic components involved in process automation and process measuring technology

For additional information please feel free to contact our team directly.

WirelessHART Solutions

Cost-effective integration of moving, changing and measuring points

WirelessHART provides an extremely flexible method of integrating measuring points into monitoring systems. It can be used in systems subject to regular expansion, e.g. well heads, those constantly on the move, as well as on rotating or moving machinery. As the systems are self-organising, they require minimum time to set up, integrate and commission. Endress+Hauser’s adapter concept also allows WirelessHART communication to be quickly added to existing 4 to 20 mA devices.

Operating Principle:

A WirelessHART system comprises a gateway, which is connected to the monitoring system, and up to 250 WirelessHART field devices. Endress+Hauser’s adapter allows any HART or

4 to 20 mA device to join the wireless network. The instruments transmit their measured values at regular intervals to the gateway, which collects them and makes them available to a connected application. FieldCare device configuration software can be used to configure the network.


  • Rapid and flexible installation
  • Suitable for moving and rotating plant equipment
  • Suitable for changing and mobile installations
  • Bridges obstacles and integrates difficult-to-access measuring points
  • Upgrades legacy technology

For additional information please feel free to contact our team directly.


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EMC Industrial Group Ltd

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Phone +64 9 415 5110

56 Tarndale Grove, Rosedale

Auckland, 0632

PO Box 101444 North Shore Auckland, 0745

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Phone +64 3 365 2671

3E Wise St, Christchurch 8024

PO Box 42012, Tower Junction, Christchurch, 8149

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