
World class continuous weighing systems and accurate easy to use weighing instruments.

Export Products

EMC Industrial Group is a New Zealand company which also exports our own NZ made weighing products to several countries overseas. Our main markets are China, Australia, India and Germany where we have long time established distributors. However we are always on the lookout to establish new markets, in particular for our world-leading ModWeigh Weighing Processors.

If your company has clients with static and continuous weighing systems or if you are a manufacturer of belt weighers and weighfeeders we’d love to hear from you.

To make an enquiry, please email us on modweigh@emc.co.nz.

Contact Us

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EMC Industrial Group Ltd

EMC Auckland Head Office

Phone +64 9 415 5110

56 Tarndale Grove, Rosedale

Auckland, 0632

PO Box 101444 North Shore Auckland, 0745

EMC Christchurch Office

Phone +64 3 365 2671

3E Wise St, Christchurch 8024

PO Box 42012, Tower Junction, Christchurch, 8149

For All Enquiries

China Representative

For Export Enquiries